0845 309 6320

Building a greener future with Rollsec Steel Profiles

RollSec, RollSec

C.O.S.H.H Statement

Hot Dipped Galvanised Steel Studs and Tracks

Manufacturer of steel: Tata Steel, Arcelor Mittal, and various
Manufacturer: Rollsec
(Studs, Tracks and Accessories)
Specification: Coils of hot dipped galvanised steel.
Metal Plating:
Zinc with a small amount of lead (galvanised) or zinc, aluminium
& Silicone (Aluzinc)
Primer: -
Top Coat: -
Backing Coat: -


Steel Profiles under normal conditions of storage and handling (shearing, bending, and pressing), are not toxic or harmful. When handling the product there is a risk of laceration of the skin. Injuries may occur when breaking the strapping of a coil, due to release of tension.
While grinding into the primer coat, the dust will contain strontium chromate, which is harmful by inhalation, therefore appropriate respiratory equipment should be used.

When subjected to elevated temperatures, e.g. During welding or flame cutting or in case of fire, there will be irritating and toxic fumes.

The fumes will contain: Oxides of Iron, zinc, aluminium (if Aluzinc substrate)
Oxides of Iron and zinc (if galvanised substrate)
Methyl Methacrylate
Hydrogen Chloride
Carbon Monoxide

The principle mode of entry in the body of these fumes is by inhalation and their inhalation should be prevented.

Precautionary and Protective Measures:

Protective clothing should be worn to prevent laceration of the skin.
After exposition of irritative fumes from heated material the following should be applied;

First Aid Procedure: Eye Contact: Bathe copiously with clean, fresh water
for at least 10 minutes, holding eyelids apart.
  Skin Contact: Wash skin thoroughly with soap and
water or use a proprietary skin cleaner.
Ecological Information

The product is not known to cause harmful effects to the environment. The closed process used during production of galvanised steel are generally superior from the environmental view- point to the methods employed in the engineering industry. More than 99% of solvents are removed from the exhaust gases.

Disposal Consideration

Galvanised steel can be recovered at the end of its useful lifetime and represents an important raw material in the production of new steel by remelting.

Transport Information

No special precautions.

Regulatory Information

Galvanised Steel products are articles not substances and, as such not subject to either The Chemicals Regulations (Hazard Information and Packaging) as amended or by the Dangerous Preparations Directive(88/379/EEC) as amended.
To ensure the Occupation Exposure Limits set out below are not exceeded when fume/dust is generated, provide adequate ventilation, if necessary, including local fume extraction.
Alternatively, if necessary, appropriate respiratory protective equipment should be provided for use by those exposed to fumes.

Procedures in the event of an Emergency

In the event of fire, appropriate respiratory protective equipment should be used by fire fighters.
Occupational Exposure Limits
(COSHH 1990)
8h TWA 10 min TWA
Iron Oxide fume 5.0 mg/m3 10.0 mg/m3
Zinc Oxide fume 5.0 mg/m3 10.0 mg/m3
Carbon Monoxide 50.0 ppm 300.0 ppm
Hydrogen Chloride 5.0 ppm 5.0 ppm

SAFETY Specific to the use of Studs

As studs, the additional hazards to those detailed in the sheets above are the possible presence of fraize due to rolling on the edges of section, and due to cutting on the ends and from self drilling screws. The wearing of gloves is advised.
Most individual items are hand portable by one man. Lifting equipment may be required for large assemblies such as lintels, panels etc. The weights of assemblies must be pre-checked prior to lifting

The position number and size of fixings as described in the specification should be checked on site; observe the fastener manufacturers’ recommendations for edge distance, particularly for recently poured concrete slabs.

Any deviation of the structure to which the framing is to be attached from drawing, should be referred to the Rollsec engineer for advice, if it affects the amount of support, or the span of the studs.
Do not splice studs without reference to the Rollsec engineer for advice.
Components of Lintels and cills should not be spliced without reference to the Rollsec engineer for advice.
Floor joists must be fitted tightly into the edge track where the track is fixed to the face of the supporting structure.
All Trades:- Use of blowtorches or other sources of ignition in the cavity between the studs, or the cavity between the breather membrane and the outer leaf is prohibited

The attention of the Electrical Subcontractor should be drawn to any areas where wiring will pass through a cavity that is to be insulated.

The system is not intended for assembly by on site welding. Refer for specific advice should this be considered necessary.

Where the Rollsec Steel Framing is being used to construct the complete structure, pay particular attention to the assembly sequence, making sure that the boarding is not applied to the walls before the cross bracing and roof/floor diaphragm is in place.

Ensure that floor or roof stud joists are fitted tightly into the base of the track at the end(s) where the track is being used to transfer the load into the side of a wall.


For maintenance, then provided the installation is to specification, maintenance of all seals at windows and doors; and rectification of any damage to the structure, resulting in ingress of water to the wall from the outside, or of warm water vapour from the inside, is all that is required.

Other Information
The data given here only applies when the product is used in the correct application and describes the product in terms of safety requirements based upon current knowledge and experience.

The product is not sold as suitable for other applications – usage as such may cause risks not mentioned in this data sheet. Do not use for other applications without seeking advice from Rollsec Ltd.

The data given here does not signify any warranty with regard to the product properties.

This document does not constitute a workplace risk assessment.

Some relevant references
HSE Guidance Notes;
EH2 (Rev): Chromium and its inorganic compounds – Health & Safety precautions.
EH26: Occupational skin diseases – Health & Safety precautions.

EH54: Assessment of exposure to fume from welding and allied processes.

John Collins
Managing Director
Document ref. COSHH/SFS/IP/040614/01
4 June 2014